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Dante Ibisheart
09 Mar 2009
Stonehouse, England
First year, Slytherin
35,7 cm chestnut wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: At about 1.5m (59in) and 34kg (74lb), Dante stands with a very athletic and well taken care of figure that compliments his well combed to one side, and always in place, light brown hair. Deep cold blue eyes that emanates calm, confidence and solemnity. He does really take good care of his physical appearance and makes sure that he has time to exercise. Nice chiseled jawline accompanies not too thick, not too thin, lips and perfect teeth. He gets up early to be productive and make sure he is ready, and slightly perfumed, before he goes to class.

Mental Description: Dante is determined, focused and a purposed student. He was raised as a muggle only to find out that he is a wizard in fact. He has always tried to take everything to the limit, to be the best at what he does. Being captain of his sports team while in his Muggle school has taught him leadership and resourcefulness. He has set up in mind that he wants to find about his past and his biological parents and he will not stop until he find answers, no matter what gets in his way. He doesn’t have many friends despite having always been well known in his school, but he has one really close friend that he used to spend all his time with as a kid, living across the street from each other. He has always been quite mature for his age but the situation of his family and knowing that his biological mother might be in danger at a very early age made him grow even more mature.


It was a dark, rainy night in a remote cave somewhere around the River Seven in Stonehouse, Gloucestershire. A magical child was born from a love story that took place in Hogwarts many years ago. Etnad, an ambitious Slytherin, and Luna, a kind Ravenclaw were the parents of Dante Ibisheart, a now fresh student of Hogwarts, school of witchcraft and wizardry. But stories are always more complicated than they seem...

Dante’s biological parents lived in a hidden house inside a cave, where they spent most of their days studying hexes, curses, potions... Etnad is an ambitious wizard that has always sought power. They decided to have a children that could pass on their findings and become even more powerful than them. But during Luna’s pregnancy, she started to find out a darker side to Etnad she never saw before. The reason behind his endless search for power was dishonest, and worried her that would put her family in danger. She tried to stop him several times but he wouldn’t give up. Etnad wanted to ‘improve’ his future son’s magical power making Luna drink potions and trying new spells on her while she was pregnant. But Luna refused, faking she drank the potions and protecting herself with charms. Etnad wanted to take it too far with a ritual the day Dante was expected to be born and Luna asked her sister, who was married to a muggle living in the heart of London, to take her son with her and raise him, until the day he would be admitted in Hogwarts, where she would explain in a letter the situation of his real parents. She would ask him to please attend Hogwarts to learn as much as he can and become a great wizard so he could one day find them, hoping it won’t be too late...

Dante was raised by Nero and Trish, not knowing what his real situation was. He attended school like a regular muggle. He excelled at numerous aspects in school and pretty much every other activity, like dance or sports. He never stopped aiming higher and was always selected captain of his team. Little did he know his life would dramatically change the day he understood that he was a wizard and received his Hogwarts letter of acceptance, and with it, his real mother’s letter.

Now Dante is determined to learn more about his past and grow stronger, more powerful and knowledgeable. He is excited and more ready than ever for the adventures awaiting in Hogwarts, the Great School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

First Instance of Magic: Dante has always been very attractive and intelligent so he was envied for it. At the age of 7, he had already gained some enemies in higher grades due to his vanity and superior behavior. After school, one day he was threatened by a group of 11 year-old-kids. He didn’t know what to do, he had never been in that situation before so he started running. They chased him down to an alley where there was no escape and told him to leave the school and never come back or break his bones. When the leader of the group grabbed him by the neck, Dante closed his eyes strongly and wished them out. A strong force current suddenly sent the bully away and knocked him back against the opposite wall. The whole group, scared that he was the reincarnation of a demon, ran away and never troubled him anymore. Of course Dante kept his confidence high and learnt not to fear. He didn’t know how he got out but he sweared that he would never be in that situation again where his fear paralyzed him. He then started learning combat techniques such as Karate and other martial arts.