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Jack Gramnad
Wizard born
London, England
First year, Ravenclaw
34,7 cm walnut wood and unicorn hair
  1. Name: Jack Gramnad
  2. Years old: 11 
  3. City:London
  4. Country:England 
  5. Status: Wizard born[pure blood] 


Jack Gramand was born in London 21st , he lived with his parents Emily Gramnad and James Gramnad . They took good care of him but they were really poor family, so they didn't afford him so much. Jack was still happy with that family even if they were poor . They lived at the end of London , poor neighborhood . He wasn't a ordinary guy, so he didn't had to much friend, he was interested in animals , he owned a lizard named Groby . Lizard was his best friend from the start. Jack has done everything perfect , he wanted to be the best and only [ special] . After some time he bought a rat , named him Lobiy  . He became really happy, it was the life he wanted really good life for him , interesting / funny . His best friend was Jacky Vorbison , as well he wasn't a ordinary boy very similar to Jack . Jacky's father had a workshop where he was making tools , tables ...

Jack started to work his for Jacky's father , he was just helping there a bit, nothing special . 

He continued  to work in Workshop , for Jacky's father and took care of his pets . It was good until one day Jack met Jenwys Hochberg a muggle.

Jack was walking , under one bridge he saw Jenwys Hochberg young guy , because Jack was curious . When he came to him they started to talk, met each other and saw that they have a lot in common .

Jack wanted to show his new friend to his parents, they went to Jack's house . When they came Jenwys Hochberg told him that he was a muggle so it would  not be so smart. Jack didn't listen to Jenwys , they entered the house and introduced Jenwys , Jack parents were really mad , his father said: You should be bound together ! [ Jack and Jenwys were under a curse ] [If Jenwys dies, Jack will die as well ] 

Jack woke up in Jenwys house , of his parents . Jack started his life with Jenwys  even if he didn't knew happened with his family 



- Green color



Creative - curious - Quiet - shy - smart 

Best friend : Jenwys Hochberg 

Father: James Gramnad 

Mother: Emily Gramnad

[ Jack - Black short hair , serious bright  green eyes , small nose - Pretty skinny ( Skinny arms, legs , face) tall ]