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Kyla Reynolds
10 Dec 2008
London, England
First year, Hufflepuff
23,6 cm hazel wood and unicorn hair
Physical Description: Kyla Reynolds is a girl on the shorter side of her age group, she's got long brown curls that go past her shoulders, and dark brown eyes that hold hundreds of stories. She's slightly chubby and has a bright smile that could make anyone happy.

Mental Description: Kyla isn't always the same continuous thing with her personality. Some say it all depends on her mood, other say she just says what she wants when she feels like it. Kyla has the potential to be a very nice girl, however that's obviously not always the case. Most of the time she's as nice as can be, while others she comes off a bit rude and reserved, people always try not to upset her, mainly because they prefer when she's nice and smiling.

Biography: Before going to Hogwarts, Kyla didn't have many friends. She had acquaintances that her best friend befriended for the both of them, but she didn't consider the people friends. From a young age Kyla had always looked up to her father. Even though he was from a muggle family that didn't want him to have anything to do with magic, he still ended up being a powerful wizard. When Kyla was 8 her father passed away in a way that's still unknown to her. Every time she asked her mother, to gain at least some closure from the situation, it started a huge argument, resulting in tears and a little ounce of hatred. Kyla couldn't even mention her father without her mother getting upset. Which is why she was determined to find out what happened to her father, and why her mother was so keen on hiding it.

First Instance of Magic: On Kyla's 9th birthday her and her mother got into an argument over her father. Kyla wanted to go give him flowers, and tell him how excited she was to be 9. Her mother didn't like the idea very much. Kyla watched in horror as her mothers ears grew bigger and bigger, just like the elephant from the muggle movie her father used to show her. Screaming and running away, Kyla didn't fully understand what happened until a few months later.