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Alexei Barton
31 Dec 2008
London, England
First year, Gryffindor
33,0 cm mayhaw wood and phoenix feather
Alexei Barton was born to Ivan (a muggle) and Natasha (a pure blooded wizard) Barton in Dublin, Ireland, on December 31, 2008. She was born two and a half minutes after her twin brother, Pietro. As they grew up, the twins were inseparable. But when they were six years old, everything changed. Ivan and Natasha divorced, leaving Pietro with Ivan in Dublin, and bringing Alexei to New Orleans. Alexei sees them only on her and Pietro’s birthday, for Christmas celebrations. Before she got her Hogwarts letter, on her ninth birthday, she and Natasha moved to London. The day she got her letter, she learned that Pietro hadn’t received one. Alexei would be going to Hogwarts alone.
Alexei has long, dark brown hair that is usually pulled into a braid or a ponytail, and deep brown eyes that seem endless. She is the shortest in her family but exactly in the middle at her muggle school, where she is in sixth grade.
Alexei isn’t a girly-girl, that much can be said. She hates dresses, refuses to wear the color pink, and despises weddings if she has to dress up. She likes to say that she isn’t a girly girl, isn’t a tomboy, but somewhere in between. Alexei does ballet, has been doing gymnastics since she could walk, but started competing in level 3 at age 6. Although she lives in Britain now, she was at Junior Olympic level 9 and had just begun competing in international meets.
It was the day after her tenth birthday. Nervous and stressed pretty much described her just then. A new house, a new bed, a new sound. She focused on the sound first. It was clothes rustling, coming from the closet. Fear shot through her body, closely followed by curiosity, then apprehension as she recalled a story her father used to read. It was supposed to be comforting, but not so much. Remember the monster in the closet? She shivered as she pulled the sheets off her, and cold London air rushed into her bedroom from the window, somehow opened during the night. Alexei stepped out of the pale sheets, and opened the closet door. She gasped. All her clothes were pink. Bright, eye hurting pink that made her turn away. “Mom!” she shrieked. Natasha Barton ran up the stairs, worrying. But as she saw her daughter’s closet, she smiled. It looked like Alexei Barton was as magical as her mother.