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Melody Rathburn
14 Feb 2009
Broxbourne, England
First year, Hufflepuff
27,1 cm chestnut wood and dragon heartstring
Melody Rathburn was born in Broxbourne, England on February 14, 2009 to a large magic family. She grew up in the muggle town without many friends, but had her family instead. Her extended family would often come over to her house for holidays or just to join them for no reason. She was always a very sweet child, and liked to observe things with her brilliant blue eyes. Her father, Richard Rathburn worked for the Ministry of Magic and enjoyed Quidditch quite a bit. He always wanted to be a Quidditch player. Her mother Emily, on the other hand, didn't work. She worked at home, and took care of her daughter as well as the house.
Melody was often told she would be put in Hufflepuff, though she never thought she would be one. Her mother went to Beauxbâtons, and her father was in Gryffindor. But she loved her family, and was always very friendly and sweet. She liked to go outside and bask in the sun on the little patch of lavenders outside her house, which was why she often smelled like the delicate purple flowers. She went to a muggle school, but didn't have any friends there. She also found it hard to do work, which didn't get her on a good side with the teachers.
In 2015, Melody's cousin got married. That was when the family really grew, and when they had kids, they had a little boy named Finnegan. Finn loved Melody, and would always chase her around, wondering what was going on outside. Once, she got a pet toad when she was seven, but it ran away, and she had always suspected that Finn chased him away.
When Melody turned seven, she wanted to stay up late for her birthday. Her cousins got to stay up after the party, but she wasn't allowed to. She got so mad that that became her first time doing magic, she broke a plate on accident. Emily Rathburn was in another room and got quite mad at her daughter until it came that Melody hadn't meant to, and they realized it was her first instance of magic.
After her seventh birthday, Melody was always getting in trouble one way or another from magic. Her parents and family had quite the job running around and covering up all of her accidents, once she even got her friend's cat stuck on the roof of their house. That was the last time she talked to that friend.
Finally, when Melody turned eleven, she received her letter from the Headmaster that she would be going to Hogwarts. She was so excited, and even blew up a pillow from all of the emotion. She dragged her mother with her to go shopping immediately, and got all of her supplies from Diagon Alley, which wasn't too far away.
When Melody got to Hogwarts, she was the happiest she had ever been. She made more friends/companions than she had in a lifetime, and was very eager to start her lessons. She soon learned they weren't as easy as they seemed, though. Still, she had a wonderful time and is still working hard to become a witch.
Click the Lavender