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Damien Thorne
27 Oct 2008
London, England
First year, Ravenclaw
23,7 cm cherry wood and unicorn hair
Physical Description: Damien is a fairly average eleven-year boy with long black hair and steel blue eyes. He's fairly scraggly, being underweight and tall for his age.

Mental Description: Damien takes great pride in learning new things. He can often be found deep within a book of history, or even potions. He has had very few friends in his life, so he is very loyal to the few he makes. He has a hard time reaching out and making friends with others however.

Biography: Damien was born alongside his twin brother Lucedio to Adrik and Alona Thorne. His parents believed Damien to be a Squib, though he was not, as he had shown very little signs of magic, even by the age of three. At around the same age, Lucedio came down with some sort of illness. Adrik and Alona tried everything they could to save him, even using old rituals. But nothing seemed to work. Out of both grief and spite, the two abandoned Damien in the muggle world. He grew up moving from foster family to foster family, with a few friends at the beginning, until he stopped trying to make friends much later on. At any school he went to he became the go-to when anyone needed help with homework, or even just needed advice. Damien wasn't exactly happy moving around like a ping pong ball despite. He always felt as if there was something he was missing. He had this gut feeling that he had family out there, even though the most likely situation seemed to be that they were dead.

First Instance of Magic: His first encounter with magic came from a late age, a few months after his ninth birthday. He was to be moved to another foster family for the umpteenth time. Angry and sick of feeling unwanted he made a bolt for the front door, which opened without him touching it, and ran off. Later he realized that at the exact same moment as the door, all the nearby windows opened too.