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Alara Silver
02 Jan 2009
London, England
First year, Ravenclaw
21,0 cm mayhaw wood and kneazle whiskers
Physical Description: My character is pale. Has dashing green eyes. Resting face looks sacring but please don't let that fool you! Some freckles and dark brown hair. I have a normal round chin and you can see my cheekbones. My lips are a tint of purple kind of some pinky tulip.

Mental Description: My character is loving and not persistent. Very caring but can get sassy and rude that is if you say something hurtful towards her or her friends. Very brace and loves to do pranks! I am smart and love helping people out, even if you are in Slytherin.

Biography: My family is very loving and always caring. My father was a Gryffindor. I don't have that many friends because people are scared to get on my bad side. My home life is overall nice and I'm excited about the new school year and what life has to offer me!

First Instance of Magic: I was at home with my mother when she said, "It's time to go to bed sweetie." I was said 6 at the time and I really wanted this cupcake from the counter. I was in the living room with is somewhat by my kitchen and I got mad that she wouldn't give me the cookie. So, I closed my eyes and when I opened them, there was the cookie! My mother was shocked but my father was giving I and my mother a knowing look.