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Em Testerman
13 Jun 2008
Barnard Castle, England
First year, Hufflepuff
31,3 cm chestnut wood and phoenix feather
Physical Description:
Hair: Curly
Hair color: Dark purple (Natural color: Black)
Eye color: Brown
Skin: Pale
Em is of average height for an eleven year-old and is slightly chubby, when out of school he tends to wear hoodies or vests around depending on the weather; he likes the weight of them. During school he decorates his bags and clothes with as many buttons and pins allowed. He always has a sketchbook near him, whether it's practical to have it or not. (Except in places where it might be damaged, like near water.)

Mental Description:
Generally soft voiced and well-mannered, especially around authority figures, Em tries not to cause trouble with school officials if he can help it, but his dangerous curiosity and forgetfulness have caused problems in the past.
When nervous, he tends to either start rambling or clam up and start giving one word responses to any questions you might ask him.

Em has a very close relationship with his parents and is planning on writing to them every day that he's gone.
Despite being an only child, Em also has a close relationship with his large extended family, and considers many of his cousins siblings. They've been his most frequent playmates until now, as he's had trouble making friends in the past.

First Instance of Magic:
When Em was seven, he was on an outing with his family and his cousins' families at an amusement park when he had a panic attack because of the noise and accidentally silenced everything within 15 feet.

His parents quickly moved him to a(naturally) quieter area outside the park to help him calm down. He was upset that they had to leave the amusement park because of him, but his parents assured him that they could always go back(whether later that day or another day) and that there was no point if he wasn't enjoying himself; Em wasn't completely convinced they were telling the truth until his cousins showed up a few minutes later because they were worried about him.