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Sable Esprit
Liverpool, England
First year, Slytherin
32,9 cm blackthorn wood and unicorn hair
Physical Description: Sable is a lithe girl. She wouldn’t be described as big but she’s a tall person. Standing a little over 5 feet, she’s nimble and light on her feet. Her ebony hair is cut in luscious waves that frame her face, stopping a few inches past her shoulders. Sable has bronze skin and angular features. She takes good care of her skin and hair. Her eyes are a light grey, almost bordering on blue, but not quite.

Mental Description: Sable is hardworking, arrogant, and ambitious. She likes to think she’s better than everyone, and that’s because she does tend to excel at a lot due to her work ethic and determination. She’s always up for a challenge and can’t resist any sort of competition. She’s uber-competitive. Sable possesses a quick wit and a sharp tongue that, while helping her come up with great comebacks, can get her in trouble. She’s a firm believer in rewards based on merit—you won’t see any pity from her. However, she’s genuinely a kind person if she’s not getting caught up in a competition. She lacks a bit of social skills and isn’t good at reading others, and her sarcasm and wit can seem hurtful at times, even if it’s not her intention.

Biography: Sable is a pure blood, from the Esprit family. Her mother died in a magical accident when she was young, and her father is an Auror at the MoM. She has a younger sister—two years, to be exact—and a much older brother (already graduated). While her family isn’t especially stuck-up and typically gets along pretty well, they don’t have a great relationship with her brother, who lives abroad in France. She doesn’t talk to her family a ton and they have always had a very formal relationship. They’re not extremely close with other families, seeing as their father isolated them a bit when their mother died.

First Instance of Magic: At the age of 8, Sable’s brother was visiting home. After a stiff dinner, she could hear her father and brother arguing and began to be overcome with worry about the future of their family. She ended up turning their upstairs rug bright green and it took four weeks to get out.