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Amelia Cullen
27 Jun 2009
Glasgow, Scotland
Second year, Ravenclaw
26,3 cm blackthorn wood and unicorn hair
Physical Description: An eleven-year-old girl with chestnut brown hair and grey-blue eyes. Small freckles dot across the bridge of her nose while her hair is slightly wavy and often messy.

Mental Description: Amelia finds most comfort within her own head, letting her imagination become entertainment for her which leads to an inability to focus even during important conversations with parents or adults. When it comes to socialization, she is one of the strangest people to talk with. Her burning curiosity leads her to ask strange or sometimes uncomfortable questions to friends or even strangers. She is scared of the world and of the dangers it presents while being completely fascinated by it. Amelia’s greatest wish is to hide away in her room and simply watch the world from a place of safety. The girl is easy to frighten and rarely likes to talk unless someone brings up a topic she finds interesting.

Biography: A girl was born on June 27th, 2009. Her name was Amelia Cullen and was the daughter of two hard-working parents, Jane Cullen and Lewis Cullen. Both of them were muggles and owned an apartment in Glasglow. Her mother was a businesswoman who worked at a marketing company while her father was a stay at home computer programmer.

Amelia was homeschooled with a special online program and lived in an apartment complex with no children her age. Her mother was absent with her business while her father stayed locked up in his workroom, typing away. They both cared about her but keeping the family financially stable was more important. The older Amelia got, the more her parents focused on their work.

Sometimes she would press her ear against the office door, so she could hear her dad’s voice and find comfort in that. Other times she would inflate balloons, draw faces on them and call them her friends, though she knew they weren’t alive or real. Her room became her private space where she could vent her frustrations, play pretend, and read about the world outside the apartment.

When she was eleven, a strange letter arrived at this place called Hogwarts. Her parents thought it was a joke at first, but eventually, they came to understand this was real and that magic existed.

Amelia didn’t want to go, it would mean leaving that safe warm apartment and abandoning the chase for attention from her parents. But her parents decided it would be best for her to learn of this “wizarding” world and adapt to where she belonged. Under the instructions of her parents, the people she wanted to please the most, she began her attendance at Hogwarts.

First Instance of Magic: When she was six, Amelia was drawing a picture of imaginary heroes in her room. The drawings were no better than stick figures but that was more than enough for her to envision the fantastic adventures they would go on. Then something fantastic happened. For a few seconds, one of the drawings came to life on the page. The little stick figure waved at Amelia then ran along the page. After a few seconds, the stick figure froze again and returned to a normal drawing. The girl never told her parents about it, fearing they would call her crazy or send her to a doctor.