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Rachel Crook
05 Oct 2008
Bromley, England
First year, Hufflepuff
26,7 cm chestnut wood and phoenix feather
Physical Description: She has long, brown hair and grey eyes. She usually ties her hair into a ponytail, so it won’t get in the way. Also, her name was inspired by the dark Teen Titan, Raven, whose alter ego is Rachel Roth.

Mental Description: She’s kind, friendly and pretty much talks to anyone and everyone, but she can be stubborn at times and trusts easily in others. She also likes to watch movies and is a big fan of Star Wars. Rachel also loves listening to and making music and plays the violin and likes to sing and dance. She’s also a sweet tooth and prefers desserts over (gross) healthy salad.

Biography: Her mom’s german and her dad American, so she grew up bilingual. Her mom works as a German-English interpreter and her Dad is the CEO of a restaurant chain. She get's along quite well with her parents. Rachel has two little sisters, their names are Eden and Savannah, who are 6 years younger than she is. Even though her sisters can be quite annoying, she still loves them and would give her life to protect them. She’s also the only witch in the family and her family’s really proud she’s a witch. Even though she talks with and to everyone and always makes sure everyone had a friend, she herself never had a really close friend. She has tons of friends, but none so far were so close to her she could call them her best friend. She plans to change that at Hogwarts though. Every year during summer the Crook family goes to Cornwall during the holidays. They also have a beach house there and Rachel looks forward to going there every year.

Before getting the letter to go to Hogwarts, Rachel went to the Ashgrove School in Bromley. One of the best private schools in the region. Her favourite subjects there were English, Music and Art.

First Instance of Magic: One time, when Eden annoyed her quite a lot, she accidentally turned Eden’s skin pink for about 5 minutes. Imagine the shock her parents had when suddenly both of the girls started screaming and one of them was pink.