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Kimmie ClueHolm
Brighton, England
First year, Ravenclaw
24,7 cm chestnut wood and phoenix feather
I come from Brighton and being from there I have to say I am very proud of being... Different. I was definitely born in the right place for that.
I'm a very shy and you could also say nerdy kind of girl. I love books. They are definitely my passion. I have always loved all kinds of books but especially fiction as well as the books I have seen from my moms side of the family. She's the witch in our family or well, turned out I am as well but she is the one we knew was one while my father is a muggle.
I think my dad is very happy about me becoming like my mom. He has always adored her and her witchcraft. He would of course be happy if I turned out to be a muggle as well but let's just say that this witch-thing is giving him a bit extra joy.
I look a lot like my mother as well. Her hair is blonde and long and her eyes very bright and almost yellow so I inherited that and... That's how I look like. I guess my height is avarage. So I wouldn't say I'm short and I wouldn't say I'm tall.
Being half-blood is very exiting. There's all kinds of things to do and learn. I love learning as well. I try to do as much of it as possible. That's why it's so amazing to have a mother as a witch who can teach me about that entire side of this world and a father as a muggle who can teach me things that my mother did not even understand before and still barely do. Like different technology and ordinary things for muggles that my mom for example is very interested in.
It has had its downfalls though. I mean, a lot of people accept and help each other where I live but there are cruel people everywhere. Especially kids. They can sometimes be the cruelest. As well as some grownups. So I have been called a freakshow. Been called weirdo and a lot of things. Seems like others noticed me being different before I did myself. I guess that's why I mostly sit to myself, read and draw as much as I can. Another thing I love. I guess I'm a bit forgetful since I forgot that as well. Sorry.
Anyways... There's not much more about me. I don't find myself interesting really. Muggle kids seem to do though. Both the cruel ones and the other ones. But yeah. I'm very excited to finally come to Hogwarts. It's going to be amazing. My mother has told me so much about it. So finally I'm going to meet people like me. And I admit I am a bit scared. Maybe I'm not good enough and maybe people will be mean because I'm not pureblood. But I don't care because I know that being half-blood and the experiences to it is what made me, me. So I am happy about that. I am very excited to be part of Hogwarts. Finally.