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Eleanora Harper
22 Apr 2009
London, England
Second year, Hufflepuff
31,0 cm mayhaw wood and unicorn hair
What is her personality? Eleanora is a shy and private girl. Her loyalty lies with those closest to her, many of her friends and family gush about her benevolence and ambitiousness towards the things close to her. However, all the kindness and ambitions she possesses doesn’t stop her from showing her pessimistic side when challenged and can be stubborn when she wants to. Eleanora is also a talented musician, starting piano at the ripe young age of five.

What does she look like? She has light blonde shoulder length hair with streaks of light brown tinges which is usually found in a messy bun on her head or a loose ponytail. Harper is of clear pale skin yet on her right elbow rests a birthmark the size of a walnut, something she is very self-conscious about. Small dark brown eyes adorn her face with thin black lashes.

Her history. Throughout her childhood, Eleanora had many different stories of her father, Greg Harpers, magical experiences. Her mother, Evangaline Harper, on the other hand was a simple muggle, met her father when they left school. At the age of five, her parents introduced her to the world of music and started her off by playing piano. It was her mothers idea from the beginning, her father thinking it was pretty useless because she had magic to do it for her but he soon grew fond of her playing. When Eleanora got her letter to Hogwarts, her parents were so ecstatic that they invited all their witch and wizard family to celebrate. They barely talk to her mothers side, they don’t have much to do with her ever since she chose her father instead of family. A big decision that is NEVER talked about at the dinner table.

First encounter of accidental magic. At age nine, Eleanora had her first encounter of accidental magic. It was a breath of relief for her parents who were starting to wonder if she will ever get it, but to her it was a bit confusing. Eleanora’s aunt, Polly Winkle, was getting married to her now husband, Eric Winkle. Eleanora's mother wished for her daughter to wear a beautiful purple dress to the wedding. Eleanora thought it was a very pretty dress but it just wasn't the right colour, so she refused to wear it. However, that wasn’t enough for her not to wear it, so with a lot of arguments and chasing around, Eleanora finally put the dress on with a pout. Then they went off to the wedding. When her parents opened her door for Eleanora to step out, they were surprised to see Eleanora’s dress was now the colour light blue.