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Ayla Trix
04 May 2009
Camden, England
Second year, Ravenclaw
33,5 cm cherry wood and snallygaster heartstring
Physical Description: Ayla has bright copper shoulder-length hair that falls around her face in tight curls. Her big ashen blue eyes offset her pale, rosy, complexion. Ayla has a cluster of opaque freckles across the bridge of her short nose. She is slight and petite but has defined, broad shoulders.

Mental Description: Ayla has developed a shy, if cheeky, attitude to life. A relative introvert, she is warm and compassionate - caring deeply for others - and takes pleasure in learning from the experiences and stories of others. Her, generally, bashful personality contrasts with a rare, but ferocious, stubborn streak.

Biography: Before leaving home for Hogwarts, Ayla lived with her two mothers, Dominique and Rose, in a small Victorian maisonette in the London borough of Camden. Camden, by the Locke, had been home for around two years. The family had moved there when Ayla transitioned age 9 and her mum, Dominique, had taken on a new job in the big city. Dominique works as a barrister practising equality and human rights law for small chambers and Ayla's other mum, Rose, is a social worker supporting those who are homeless. Before moving to Camden, Ayla grew up in an old, if very small and quirky, cottage the picturesque village of Turville - nestled in the Chiltern hills. Her mothers adopted Ayla when she was just a few months old.

First Instance of Magic: When Ayla was 8, still living in Turville, she attended a small rural primary school with only a handful of other children and four teachers. It was a welcoming and fun school but one boy, Harris Trumpon, had made it his business to pick on Ayla for years - opting to make fun of the fact she didn't have a father. During a parents evening where the kids were demonstrating their writing ability on the board for all teachers and parents, Harris took the opportunity to pick on Ayla and made fun of her two mums. This angered Ayla. Her shyness would only allow her to sit and quietly rage at the nasty comments made by this annoying and small-minded boy. However, that rage unwittingly spilled out into the classroom and sought out Harris who was, by this point, writing his short paragraph on the board. Ayla was furious with him! She rumbled and muttered to herself at how unfair it was Harris was never told off for his behaviour. And, with that, the boy's arm seemed to take on a mind of it's own. It waved aimlessly for a moment before committing pen to the board and typing out 'Harris is a stinky pants who wets the bed' all while Harris was seemingly desperate to drop the pen. As the sentence finished, and the marker fell to the floor, the children and parents giggled. Harris' trousers fell to his ankles and he tripped over. The room erupted in laughter at the sight of the boy's bright red face. Ayla could only chuckle to herself, amused by the unexpected slapstick. Her mother, Dominique, understood it wasn't self-inflicted hilarity, even if nobody else did.