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Mathias Pride
01 Jul 2009
Wellington, England
Fifth year, Slytherin
34,7 cm sycamore wood and snallygaster heartstring
Physical Description: A rather average figure among wizards. Pale skin from days spent indoors and a thin frame. Not necessarily malnourished but rather not particularly muscular. Red hair and green eyes. I presently stand at 5 foot even, making me slightly taller than my contemporaries but not by much. I do not anticipate growing to be very tall, father stood at five foot eight and my mother barely over five foot.

In terms of attire, I wear what my parents have bought me. Being only eleven, I am still dependent on my parents demands. I am not particularly learned in wizarding fashion, but my mother seems to be well enough versed.

Mental Description: Honestly, I am young and I am starting to seperate myself and my will from that of my parents. This time period is marked by growing pains for me. My parents have had a hard time letting go and coming to terms with the fact that I am my own person.

I can be described as intelligent and firm, I do well in school and not as well in physical sport. I have a good sense of justice but I find myself often concerned that I am simply holding the stances that I do because they were the stances that I have been told to maintain. I do not suffer from any mental ailments nor am I particularly socially awkward. I am afraid that I am less interesting than the other students I have encountered.

Biography: My parents are both alive and they love me fine. Indeed, they are both purebloods and I have been raised to uphold their ideals. Far from a paragon of virtue or the legacy of a pair of dark wizards, I am simply a boy who comes from old magic blood. My mother works at the Ministry of Magic as a Metal Charmer - those who imbued metalcraft so that it had certain magical properties. My father works as an Owlet trainer - trains young owls for a living to be pets or post owls. We do well, while their wage might have earned them middle class our family enjoys a modicum of generational wealth so we live comfortably.

I spent my youth in preparatory school. Tutored in the basics of reading, writing, literature and mathematics. I can play the piano but my teacher tells me I often rush my pieces. I had a handful of friends, children of the parents my parents knew, therefore my world prior to Hogwarts was rather small. It was not sad or cruel, it was merely all I ever knew.

As for siblings, I have none but I do have a cousin on my mother's side that is a fourth year in Ravenclaw. I do not know him well so i do not anticipate our paths crossing unless I am sorted into the same house. I would prefer to be sorted into another House, one where I can make my mark on the world without the prejudices of my family affecting my life and my choices.

First Instance of Magic: My parents often tell others that I was 7 months when my magic first surfaced. A statement merely of prestige and also a lie. In truth, I did show my first magic young, just not as young as my parents had often professed with such pride.

I was three and I was playing with blocks. The sort that you stack on upon the other. As my parents tell is, merely pulling back the years ever so slightly, they heard laughter in the study where I was playing and when they entered my blocks were floating, bobbing about me. I was too young to recall my parents reaction but they told me that they celebrated and bought me knew toys I have long since grown past.