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Kate Brown
02 Jun 2009
Holt, England
First year, Ravenclaw
26,3 cm walnut wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: Kate is a 11 year old girl with an average lenght and an average weight. She has wavy light brown hair and blue eyes. Her face shows a serious emotion she also haves pink lips and a light skin colour.

Mental Description: Positve traits:
Loyal: she never abandons people she has a bond with.
Caring: you wouldn't think that of her but when you are friends with Kate she tries to help you in some situations.
Likes to learn: Kate isn't talkative in class but all she does is pay attention because she likes to learn.
Animal friend: she cares about all animals and tries to bond with them.
Negative traits:
Shy: she avoids people and talking to them.
Silent: she almost never talks she only talks in her bedroom or at classes if she needs to answer a question.

Biography: Kate was born to her mother Sarah Brown (36) (a witch) and Harold Brown (36) ( a muggle). Her mother found the perfect personality in Kate's father that she didn't saw in the wizards. Kate was born in a hospital in Holt in the muggle world. She was also raised in the muggle world because her mother decided to live as a muggle and decided to keep her magic a secret to Kate. Her mother became a animal rescuer at the local shelter and her father was a scientists. At her 5th birthday her mother gave her a cat that her mother said it wasn't wanted at the shelter Kate named the she-cat Zui. The same day her mother got called to rescue a animal. She never came back. Kate's father got called that the call Kate's mother got was a fake call commited by criminals who didn't mean any good with it. Kate was crying almost an hour long. Every day she would refuse to go. Her father decided to educate her himself. When Kate became 6 her cat died at the age of 2 by unknown reasons. .Kate became more sad because of that her father framed a picture of the cat.When she was 11 years old she received a letter and her father told her the truth. Her father signed her up because he thought it would be good for her. That time Kate had all sorts of mixed feelings

First Instance of Magic: Kate was so angry first her mother died and now her cat at the age of 2. She told her cat to stay! Kate was so angry she got into her room and she generated a bright red light. Kate was shocked but lived 5 years without knowing where the light came from.