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Lilac Lucero
Kensington, England
First year, Hufflepuff
31,0 cm chestnut wood and dragon heartstring
Writing Sample and Introduction/Information

A rather suspicious boy stands in your path, carrying bags of heavy materials. A dark hoodie crowned his head, increasing the ominous aura that crawled from cool, pale eyes. The figure stood still in your wake, and eventually showed signs of confusion. He cocked his head slightly, eyeing you without staring too hard. The slightest shift of plastic bags knocking against each other, small bursts of wind, slight hitching breaths, all of it. The silence was almost unbearable.

However, when you finally decided to part your lips and voice your urgencies, the boy cautiously lifted his raven-colored hood and smiled meekly. You held your breath as fluffy, charcoal locks streaked with white flowed out. A bright blue flower drew the most attention, it complimented his ocean eyes. It then occurred to you that this boy was a locally known resident. The son of a family owned barber shop just a few blocks down the road. It was a sturdy business that many could rely on–the easy-going mood, appealing decorations, and even snacks formed the small barber shop. Most people in your small town flocked to it, for it was nearby, good quality, and relatively affordable.

Back to reality. The pretty boy stared, the meek smile then turned into a warm, spring breath. It was soft, gentle, refreshing, it filled your whole body with reassurance.
He pivoted on his sneakers, whipping around to fully turn towards you. Lilac's feminine eyes were welcoming, compelling you to speak.

It was him, though, who took the first part of your soon-to-be-conversation.




Hello! I am Lilac Lucero, and I'm a bit unsure of whether Hogwarts is the right school for me. I mean, yes, I was a bit surprised (and somewhat excited) when I got my letter... but after some deep thinking, I often found myself pondering about what can actually happen at this school. There are many risks, dangers, and secrets I have to keep–however, I'm willing to give it my all if Hogwarts is my fate! I'm looking forward to making new friends~.
My appearance... is rather plain. I just tidy my hair a bit, stick a flower in there, and that's pretty much it. I'm self-conscious of my eyes, I always manage to catch people staring at them. They're a pale blue, and if you look closely you can see little flecks of a minty green. I'm about average height, maybe a bit below that.
It's a bit awkward to talk about my personality–I'm afraid that I might make myself more than I really am. I'll just sum it up...
I am a people pleaser, I absolutely adore the warm feeling I get when I make someone happy. I will strive and do anything in my power to improve moods or just carry out chores–it makes everyone's life easier, no?
I guess you can say I'm sensitive. I'm easy to provoke, and usually I snap and make a fool of myself no matter where or what time. I'm working on keeping a cool head, though! It's easier to not cause a commotion and keep everything down inside.
I like to speak my mind, and make my boundaries known. If I have a problem, I'll be sure to sound myself out.
Even though I'm sort of intimidated by this whole magic school shebang, I'm looking forward to it, I guess!