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Alexis Kellar
17 Jan 2009
Weston, Scotland
First year, Gryffindor
24,0 cm walnut wood and dragon heartstring
Name: Alexis Kellar
Age: 11
Nationality: Scottish
House: Unknown
DOB: 17/1/2009
Pet: -

Physical Description:

Alexis has golden-brown locks of wavy hair trailing down to her back. Her eyes shades of emerald greens and ocean blues that anyone could look into and know that she could be trusted. Her smile, ear to ear making anyone around her feel safe.


Alexis can be shy at times and it takes time to gain her trust. But once she trusts you, she would protect you at all costs. She is loyal and is there for everyone inn their time of need. Alexis is easily overwhelmed but you can very rarely read her emotions. She loves to be around animals and the people who care the most about her as well as being in or around the sea. Alexis doesn't like to be the centre of attention or failing at something she is invested in.


My name is Alexis. I was born on a remote isle off the edge of Scotland. My mum had to move away for work when I was little. I didn't really have the average life that most people of my age had. I would try to talk to the sheep or breathe underwater as a toddler and have imaginary conversations to trees. We had harsh winters when our food dropped and hot summers that I couldn't bear. I would help out all day in our farm, we had sheep, cows, goats but I still felt lonely. By night I would try to keep up of my dwindling trail of missed schoolwork. Still, I don't know how but I would make our neighbours in the isle happy and my parents proud. On 12th August, I got a letter. I never got post but this time I knew it was different. I knew that fateful day I wasn't just an ordinary child. I read the green manuscript and realised what was about to happen... I was a wizard. When I was 7, it was yet another harsh winter, and food supplies dwindled low. I felt so helpless but angry. Then smoke arose from the palms of my hands. Only for a few seconds. Slowly but surely I began to realise what I had done. My dad came half running, half walking towards me. out of breath he said that he saw what happened. That was when he explained everything. All about the wizarding world and what really goes on. He told me about his first experience of magic, and how I would soon be on the train to Hogwarts.