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Bayleigh Boone
Uig, Scotland
First year, Ravenclaw
26,1 cm cherry wood and dragon heartstring

I'm quite short (4'7", to be exact). I have pale green eyes that many say remind them of sage. My hair is black as can be, and I cut it myself. I'm proud of my bangs, thank you very much. I'm quite sturdy for an eleven-year-old, at least that's what my mother has told me. I have a wonky left knee, which I've grown out of. Every now and then, you'll see me walking oddly.

I'm ornery. You'll be wise not to cross me. Some call me bossy, I just know exactly what I want from others. I'm introverted, though I have no issues being around people. I'm a generally happy young girl, but be wary should you see me angry. I'm as hot-headed as they come. I'm deadset on everything I set my mind to.

I had the quintessential happy childhood. Born to two happily-married parents on September 3rd, 2008. I have no other siblings, though I'm quite close with several cousins. We live in a small cottage in the village of Uig in the Outer Hebrides. My parents and (by proxy) myself are a family of farmers and sheepherders, both dying professions. There is nothing of more value than a strong work ethic and a determined spirit- my relatives will be the first to tell you of that. I suppose I shall agree, albeit grudgingly.

I have a funny relationship with magic. It began at the age of nine when I was tasked with the job of painting our cottage- a job I was not particularly fond of. Luckily for me, the house painted itself green before I could make the first stroke. And when I say the entire house, I mean the ENTIRE house. My parents and I were not left unscathed, either, given our skin had a sickly green hue from the paint for quite some time. We were scraping paint off of furniture and flooring for months. I was beyond the point of confoundment when it occurred and quite certain I'd finally gone out of my mind. I found out quite soon afterward I was 'magical', a word that meant little prior to my accidental outburst. It was quite a shock for my parents (both Muggles), who initially abhorred the idea of their child possessing such odd abilities. It was particularly difficult to convince them I could control my emotions, thereby avoiding any other incidents. They decided having magic in the family would certainly be a great source of entertainment in the future. I am proud to finally have a layer to myself that isn't so terribly mundane.