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Grace Yu
London, England
First year, Gryffindor
30,5 cm aspen wood and thestral tail hair
Physical Description: Describe what your character looks like. They must be human - no horns, tails, animal features or unusual colored hair or eyes unless wearing contacts or dying their hair in which case please state.
I am an eleven-year-old girl who has brown-reddish hair. People say that I got my brown eyes from my grandmother. My lips are thin, I am relatively tall (for my age), about 150cm right now.

Mental Description: What is your character like. We will not accept characters that practice self-harm.
I am generally in a positive feeling. However, I can get scary when I'm really angry. I hate it when people compare me to my father, because we view him as a disgrace to the family.

Biography: What was your character's life like pre-Hogwarts. Describe your family, your friends and your home life.
My mom's first name is Mia. She is a wizard who was also educated at Hogwarts. I live with my mother and my younger brother, Kevin. Kevin is 7 years old now. My father left my mother when I was 3. My mother was devastated, she threw away everything that proved my father once existed. We never heard from him after that. Technically, my parents are not divorced, they just happen to want to live apart. Before I was admitted into Hogwarts life was like a normal kid. My best friend from school was Bella, a very nice girl who loved sugared-almonds. I would really miss her, but we promised to write to each other often.

First Instance of Magic: Please describe your character's first instance of accidental underaged wandless magic.
That incident happened on my 9th birthday. I had a huge argument with my parents because they wouldn't let me have a party. I got so mad I didn't know what to think. The next thing I knew, the new porcelain set my mom bought exploded and shattered into small glass shards. However, my mom didn't get angry, as she somehow knew it was accidental underaged wandless magic.