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Corbin Reed
Wizard born
Newport Pagnell, England
First year, Gryffindor
28,4 cm chestnut wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: A thin child with black hair, dark brown eyes, and pale skin.

Mental Description: Curious with a keen interest in defense against the dark arts and more offensive spells. he has a habit of isolating himself and doesn't converse with too many students, but those who do get to know him he will be a friend for life, protecting those that he likes and cares for. He is also fascinated by bright and vivid colors, contrasting his often dark clothing.

Biography: His life was nothing special, he is a single child. His mother and father doing the best they could to provide for them. His father was a man who studied defense against the dark arts and various spells, thus fueling his son's future interest in the subjects. His mother worked as a nurse, taking care of people.

First Instance of Magic: His first instance of magic was when he was getting bullied by some fellow children. Being a rather thin child, he often got picked on because of that, and one day he was cornered in an alley by a bully. He had pelted the young Corbin with small stones, sticks, whatever he could get his hands on, and in one instance Corbin used some magic to push the bully back an inch, knocked the bully down, and then he ran off.