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Joyce Corcoran
High Wycombe, England
First year, Ravenclaw
32,1 cm mayhaw wood and veela hair
Physical Description: Joyce can be described as tall for her age, with mismatched eyes, one side green, the other side blue, long wavy red hair with a lean face, freckles on her nose and cheeks, and seemingly overly large ears that often get her bullied. She is long, lanky, and skinny. While she is tall, she is not freakishly tall, just normal tall

Mental Description: Often reserved and keeps to herself mostly. She rarely gets out of her shell and this has lead to awkward social interactions. She stems to herself - often small habits like flapping her hands - and often can have full-blown and sometimes heated conversations with herself and her imaginary friend, a person that she will not ñame to other people. She is not however Insane, that would be a little too much, but rather just an odd character. This has lead to her having very few close friends, and but the ones she does have, she tends to open up to. She also can be aggressive if she’s provoked a little too much.

Biography: Being a half-blood, she has a wizard father and a muggle mother however she was mostly raised by her muggle mother and her step-father - who also happened to be a muggle. Alongside her muggle step-father came with him a step-brother. Most of her life was relatively and completely ordinary, at least as ordinary as one like her can get. She was routinely bullied at school and she had few actual friends, most of which moved away. Her step-brother often ignored her and when he did notice her, it was often in annoyance of her habits. Her stepfather however did his upmost best to be kind to her, to help her adjust to having a father. And her mother would read bedtime stories and was also kind to her. And so it was.

First Instance of Magic: She woke up one day after a particularly bad bout of bullying, floating six inches off the end with silky smooth straight blonde hair that lasted for days.