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Amber Jenkins
London, England
Third year, Ravenclaw
31,8 cm walnut wood and unicorn hair
Physical Description: Slender build. Very petite if one were to ask. Standing roughly five feet tall when on tiptoes. Natural red hair is often worn long and down. Doesn't care much about 'fashion' as much as being comfortable. Would prefer to walk around in clothing that is breathable and does not hinder movement.

Mental Description: Anxious about crowds but loving to learn. She likes to make friends. Always wanting to be the person that people can rely on. At least, until they prove untrustworthy. Big value on Trust. She's kind and generous and always wants to help people when she can. It's a part of what makes people both like and avoid her.

Biography: Grew up knowing that magic existed. Parents are magical themselves and have taught much. Never tried to experiment too much, at least not without adult supervision. Nothing comes easy to her and she must practice hard. She doesn't care much for blood purity or any other nonsense. All, she wants to do is learn her magic and find a way to help the world around her.

First Instance of Magic: Age three, Amber was in a crowd with her parents but the noise was getting to be too much. She wanted to be somewhere else and while that didn't happen the whole room suddenly got quiet. People were talking but no one could hear what they were saying.