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Jake Mouse
Amlwch, Wales
First year, Ravenclaw
35,3 cm walnut wood and phoenix feather
Jake Mouse: Messy black hair, Green eyes, Human, 11, Favorite color: green. Favorite Animal: Mice or Ferrets. Favorite food: Tacos. Least favorite food: Pork. Least favorite animal: Cats and any other animal who hurts those fuzzy friends (Mice). Least favorite color: Yellow. His last name is pretty ironic too lol.

Likes rodents, but not anything that might harm them. Against bullying. Dislikes any people who want to hurt nature. Likes to talk with friends. What he'll get angry at: People who bully or try to kill rodents. On a regular basis, he's pretty much nice to everyone.

Was home schooled in ages 4-9. Lived in a very quiet neighborhood, Kyle Fury as a friend. Daniel and Lisa for parents. Half-blood. His friend Kyle also got an invitation. Kyle was his friend ever since they were 5. He used to come over everyday. But then, when Kyle's family moved, they never got to see each other again. Also, his parents need to take care of his dog now so they're not to thrilled. The dogs name is Storm. The reason he likes mice so much is when he was 3, he saw his very first animal, a rat. Everyone in his family immediately started shouting, but he just started laughing. For his most of his life he was traveling around, so he didn't make a lot of friends. Until when he was 10, they stopped moving, since they knew that they couldn't home school him anymore.

One time he was in class. He was doing work. Very, VERY, frustrating work. And also, as usual, he was being mocked for his last name. The next thing he heard was the fire alarm going off. He looked around anxiously when something caught his eye. A plant was on fire!