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Blythe Honeycutt
26 Jul 2009
Dingle, Ireland
First year, Gryffindor
29,0 cm cherry wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: Wavy-to-curly shoulder length red hair, brown eyes, 4'7" tall, very slight build.

Mental Description: Blythe is optimistic, stubborn, and outgoing. She is patient and quick to encourage others. She is rather impractical and dreamy, and can often be found daydreaming when she is not entertaining a group of friends. She readily accepts anyone as a friend, and is a bit naive and too trusting. She sees the best in everything, sometimes to her detriment. When things go wrong, she tends to blame herself before anyone else, and can be overly hard on herself. She also struggles to lead in a group, and often finds herself being pushed one way or another by others' desires.

Biography: Neither of Blythe's parents possess magic, and her family did not even know it existed until her first instance of magic (and the arrival of her Hogwarts letter). Her mother is part of a Muggle law firm, and her father owns a bakery in their town. She has 2 siblings: one older brother (17, Muggle), and a sister who is 3. In Muggle school, her grades were average because she found much of the work boring. She was popular amongst the other students in her class, and had connections with almost all of them, with many viewing her as a close friend and confidant. She enjoyed art class, and running races with her classmates.

First Instance of Magic: When she was 9 years old, Blythe was playing in the yard with her brother when they found a baby bird that had fallen from its nest. Her brother told her it was going to die because there was no way for it to get back to its nest, and she began to cry. Much to her surprise, the hatchling was suddenly floating up, up, up into the air, until it was safely back in its nest.