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Shilar Caldwell
Goole, England
First year, Ravenclaw
26,7 cm chestnut wood and dragon heartstring
His skin is as pale as the shimmer of the moon when it shines on a large body of water. His has raven black hair with a slight tinge of red at the very bottoms of his hairs. His blue eye is completely different when compared to his ruby red eye. That was done intentionally you see he wears a red contact in his eye. He always wears black suites no matter the accusations.

My characters attributes are simple he is Sly, Cunning, and even Brave. He also can talk his way out of nearly every thing.

He lived in foster care. His mother was a muggle. She didn't want Shilar so she just left him at the doorsteps of the nearest foster care agency. His father never knew about him. He was a wizard.. He did have one friend that lived with him throughout his foster care experience. He never really cared about it though. He has always lived in Goole, England.

His first magical interaction was at school. He had a crush on this girl for the longest of time and she was getting bullied and that changed when he was found hanging upside down from the bathroom light. The school kicked him out because he was the only other kid in the room. They believed that an 11 year old boy threw him up there. Although he was happy that the kid got what he deserved he also felt bad because he felt he didn't deserve it.