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Diamond Moors
Pembrokeshire, Wales
First year, Gryffindor
20,9 cm mayhaw wood and phoenix feather
Physical Description: Diamond has red hair and blue eyes and most often wears yellow, as it is her favorite color. She wears a lot of diamonds and other jewelry.

Mental Description: Diamond is sweet, popular, fierce, and she loves to have fun. Diamond is an Aries, hence her short temper. She is optimistic, although in private, she has anxiety. She is an extrovert and loves to be with people.

Biography: Before Hogwarts, Diamond was living in Moors Manor, and loved her life. Sometimes she bragged about her family's wealth, but that was only when she needed to prove a point. She was a little spoiled, and usually got what she asked for. She went to a public school before she was told she had magic. After that, she just lived gaily until the Hogwarts acceptance letter arrived.

First Instance of Magic: It was the middle of the night and Diamond was asleep in her bed, she had a pounding headache from the day before, as she barely drank any water that day. She woke up to go get the butler for a glass of water but realized that her room was a mess. There were books spread across the room, only one was open. She walked over to the book and looked at the open page. It read, "Transfiguration on yourself
Once you are of age and know enough about wizardry, you can learn to change what you are. Maybe to a cat or a corgi. But this will be tough. etc." She closed the book and put it back, confused about how her room because such a mess over the night because her room was perfectly spotless when she went to sleep.