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Ben Firebolt
01 Apr 2009
London, England
Second year, Ravenclaw
34,0 cm aspen wood and phoenix feather
Physical Description: Ben has strawberry blond hair and green eyes. He is 150 cm tall and weich 35 kilogramms. His skin is pale and he has no freckles at all. Ben is slim built and sporty.

Mental Description: Ben is a friendly person, who likes animals. He has an odd fascination for llamas. Ben is a passionate football player. Fittingly, his favourite subject in muggle school was sports, but he also enjoys history. When he is on the training pitch with his team, he is an openminded and bubbly child, who enjoys talking to his teammates. Surprisingly though, that is different when he is at school, where he is more of a loner.

Biography: Ben grew up as the middle child with an older brother, Thomas and a younger sister, Daisy. His brother goes to Durmstrang and is in his fourth year now.
His parents sent all three of their children to muggle elementary school so they would learn the basics and get to know muggle culture.
Both his parents are aurors in the ministry of magic.

First Instance of Magic: Ben was playing football with his friend next to a lake, when one of them kicked the ball into the water, too far for the children to reach. Suddenly the ball flew back and landed right in front of Ben. He ran back home and told his parents.