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Abi Kutzomi
London, England
First year, Ravenclaw
33,6 cm mayhaw wood and kelpie hair
Abi has long brown silky hair, light blue eyes that have a hint of brown, her skin tone is fair and light it looks like I haven't been in the sun for a while, it seems her cheeks are always blushing weather shes embarrassed or not. her clothes are like normal a long sleeve white shirt and a blue skirt with black leggings underneath, black shoes along with black socks.

Abi is a good thinker in tough and stressful situations, she likes to draw the characters she sees on TV. she also likes to bake and cook for these reasons she loves the culinary class. she loves dancing though she thinks she awesome her parents think it a bit cringy. she doesn't like violence or scary horror movies. her favorite holiday is Christmas because she can help cook Christmas dinner and bake cookies. she can also hand-make Christmas cards. she will often makeup songs and sing them to her family. she loves to learn and write. she loves to write stories about princesses and princes and happily ever after. she believes she will have a happily ever after.

like everybody I would go to school, come home do my homework, and hang out with my friends. but recently things have gotten weird. things haven't need where I put them and I can make things float. in my free time, I like to sing, draw, dance, bake, and to cook. though I spent most of my free time drawing or watching anime. and that is what most of my drawings are. anime drawings.

when my uncle was staying with us he told me about Hogwarts and his friends he met there. he said there was a chance I was a witch like him. when I asked about my mother he said that they were not a with or wizard. he told me the phrase for that was muggle-born he said kids like that would get made fun of for being one but it is totally fine if I was one.

I was fighting with my best friend and while is was yelling through my phone, the lightbulb shattered. another time I was in a car accident that should have killed me. but there was nothing more than a small scratch. I was confused and scared I had the adrenaline of a thousand soldiers in war.