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Nora Fletcher
London, England
Second year, Slytherin
22,8 cm mayhaw wood and phoenix feather
Hillingdon burrow, London UK
English nationality

Physical Description: Nora has ghostly skin, silky blond hair in a chin-length bob, and large, round brown eyes. When not appearing to be mildly alarmed, Nora looks intensely focused. She is thin but not stick-like, a little roundness in the shoulders, and is of average height. She keeps herself tidy but doesn't like a lot of fluff, except a thin gold bracelette on her left wrist.

Mental Description: Spending a lot of time alone has made Nora very pensive. She doesn't like to give away her thoughts too quickly, and she's very observant. Most things don't phase her--good or bad--so she finds herself curious about all things, even those that are taboo. For the most part, she is steady and quiet, thoughtful and studious.

Biography: Nora's father owns a nice home on the outskirts of London, as he was born into a wealthy muggle family. The two of them live alone in that large house; the only visitors being prestigious friends of her father's. Nora has only seen or heard her mother a handful of times when she was very young, and her father says she disappeared.

First Instance of Magic: Nora remembers her first magical occurence very well. At her boarding school, Nora's appearance caused her to stand out more than she'd like, and she was already awkward, so it went downhill from there. Nora's first magical act was to make herself disappear. Whether she was camouflaged or truly invisible, she'll never know. All she knew was that for a glorious few hours, no one knew where she was. They all ignored her and went about their business. Unfortunately, the spell wore off and then she got in trouble for "skipping class."