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Michael Gonzalez
Shaftesbury, England
Second year, Ravenclaw
34,5 cm willow wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: Michael has brown hair that he normally keeps short-ish, but not exactly tidy, as he/his family tend to just cut his hair at home when the fancy strikes. He has light blue/grey eyes and wears glasses to correct nearsightedness.

Mental Description: Michael is very eager to learn about the various types of magic he can be involved with, particularly ones that are more "natural" - for example: herbology, astronomy, care of magical creatures, etc. Though shy, he does try to be nice to anyone he talks to initially, and wants friends. His eagerness to learn/find new experiences also extends beyond the classroom to activities like flying/Quidditch or to the possibility of travel after school/on breaks. His attempts at kindness are sometimes undercut by his short temper, though the fierceness may also come through in loyalty/ protectiveness.

Biography: Michael was born to two wizard parents and grew up in a small house tucked in the woods of Shaftesbury. He has a young sister he considered his best friend growing up. Their father left when they were young, and their mother had to raise the two mostly by herself (though with some assistance from friends). While Michael is not unused to seeing magic - having been raised solely around them - he was strongly discouraged from attempting anything magic-related himself prior to Hogwarts (including broom-riding or even playing pretend magic with his sister), as their home put them in extremely close proximity to muggles, and they always faced the potential of a walker straying too far from the beaten path. The strict restrictions on magic are part of why Michael is so eager to finally learn what he can now.

First Instance of Magic: When they were both little, Michael would sometimes use magic to pull toys away from his sister to play with them himself.