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Eclipse Miracle
London, England
First year, Slytherin
30,7 cm cherry wood and dragon heartstring
Appearance: Eclipse has Long Black hair, Amber Eyes, and light brown skin. She is usually wearing a black headband and is 5'2. Her hair is almost always out unless she's doing something important.

Personality:She's usually a kind person that is also very sly and cunning. Eclipse is very creative ambitious, adventurous, and independent. However when she feels provoked she can become quite cold to the people around her.

Biography:Eclipse is from a wealthy pureblooded family of 4. Both of her parents being Slytherins. She has a twin brother who is very cold to most people unless he actually knows them personally. She is usually found singing in some place quite. That or humming a long to some random song. Sometimes she is reading a mystery novel and sitting under a tree. Though she usually hangs out withe her brother since they're usually bored at times and there isn't anyone to hang out with. Her parents are in the ministry of magic so she doesn't see them around that often. Some of her parents close friends would watch her when they were gone.

First Sign of Magic: Her brother Solar had made her a little mad and she went into her room and the door slammed shut, but she didn't touch it. Her bother went in to go and comfort her after and they made up.