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Taffeta Lalonde
23 Aug 2008
Oadby, England
First year, Gryffindor
32,1 cm chestnut wood and snallygaster heartstring
Physical Description:
Taffeta's 4'5 with skin the color of gingerbread, with freckles that are all over her body. She has short messy hair with black locks that falls over her right eye. Taffeta has a round baby face with big golden honey-colored eyes and long fluffy eyelashes, she also has black circle glasses.

Mental Description:
Taffeta is a lier and a trickster. She is always smiling, though she may look harmless and innocent she often behaves calmly and coolly in a way to mess with others at times appearing ominous and unsettling. Sometimes she speaks very sweetly even flirty claiming she loves the other person dearly, while in other moments she can speak in a crud and nasty manner. Taffeta uses insults that very harmless to mean-spirited.

Taffeta isn't a girl with many friends with only one person that she can call a friend. she is the youngest and only girl with three older brothers. She favors the seconded oldest brother. Taffeta's father had died when she was seven leaving her mom a single parent.

First Instance of Magic:
Taffeta's first instance of magic was when she had stopped a bucket of paint midair from spilling upon her.