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MiraLee Jansen
Cambridge, England
First year, Hufflepuff
23,9 cm aspen wood and unicorn hair
I am MiraLee, called Mira by many. My friends from the school I last went to, about a year and a half ago, described me as an outgoing, kind, and overall intelligent person. My parents say the same. Before Hogwarts, my life was pretty normal.
I was born with brown eyes and brown hair. I often wear flannels or hoodies, I'm short and skinny. Sometimes, I'm told I look older than I am, I'm 12. My birthday is October 6th.
I've been homeschooled ever since an incident from my old school, I'll get into that more later. Homeschooling has been okay, a bit lonely sometimes though.
My parents often spoil me, as I have no siblings. They frequently bake sweets, and buy me gifts. The presents I love most from them are the art supplies. I love anything that involves drawing. My parents say I'm a good artist, I'm proud of my drawing myself!
My first act of accidental magic without a wand was when I was about seven, It was about 8PM and my parents were trying to get me to go to sleep. I refused, and said that I wanted a cookie from the cookie jar. They said I could have one in the morning, but I wouldn't accept that, I got so mad that something happened. Magic. The cookie jar floats up and towards me, I couldn't control it though and it ended up shattering on the ground, my parents were both confused and upset.
Since then, there have been three other accidental magic mishaps. Anyway, back to what happened at my old school, before I was homeschooled. I was called up to the front of the class to spell a word, the word was spacious, but I spelled it spashous. My teacher called me out for it and I as SUPER embarrassed. My face turned red and I back up and stumble. I knock over something on my teacher's desk and it breaks into pieces. Almost immediately, it goes back to normal. Of course, all who saw had their minds cleared of the incident, but I didn't want anything like that to happen again, so I chose to be homeschooled.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed reading and I'm super excited to attend Hogwarts! I hope to make many friends here, and preferably not too many enemies. Bye for now :)