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Oliver Charlston
Liverpool, England
First year, Ravenclaw
29,6 cm cherry wood and dragon heartstring
I am a 11 year old male that was born on July 19th 2009 in Liverpool UK. I have super curly brown hair, brown eyes, and light olive skin. I am 147 centimeters tall and weigh 34.3 kilos. I am very introverted, but due to my adhd I tend to appear extroverted. I also have mild dyslexia and struggle with spelling. I enjoy math and science a lot and Mrs. Witherspoon (a algebra teacher at the high school) is my favorite teacher. For an hour or so a day I would sit in her class and learn algebra. (when I was in 6th grade!) It was very cool because we got to skip the parts we didn’t want to do and I felt very smart!

I am a skinny kid, but still really enjoy playing football with my best friend Lilly. She is my partner in crime and I’ve known her since first grade when she moved down the street. My mum and dad are very good, but a bit strict if I’m being honest. My dad is a firefighter and my mum is a nurse at the Ministry’s main complex. They are also both from Liverpool and met each other as kids.

When I was 10 I was playing football with Lilly after school. This was normal and we generally played one or two matches before we went home. She had the ball and was gaining ground on me fast. We are a half meter apart and in an instant she fakes left, kicks the ball between my legs, knocks me off my balance, catches the ball with her right foot, and is behind me. Off balance I fall on my bum laughing at her brilliance with that move, but she doesn’t stop. So I chase after her knowing I won’t make it in time to intercept the ball. I concentrate on my running and on the ball. She slows dow to wind her kick and I’m just barely tailing her when Bang! The ball turns to confetti and we both trip over each other. I didn’t even want to win that bad it just... Happened. I had to stop talking to Lilly and haven’t seen her since then. My dad is scared I might hurt her if it happened again. I want to go to Hogwarts so I don’t have to worry about hurting people I care about by mistake, but also to meet new friends that understand me a bit better.