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Willow Linach
Highlands, Scotland
First year, Ravenclaw
33,4 cm mayhaw wood and unicorn hair
Physical Description: Willow has long, flowing and curly bright ginger hair that she tugs on when she’s nervous. Her big blue eyes stand out against her pale skin and bright hair, even though they are accompanied by purple eye bags right below them. Her skin is almost paper-white but is dotted with freckles all over her body. She has soft pink lips that she often picks at, but she also has a gap in her two front teeth which makes her slightly insecure. Despite being rather pretty, she is insecure about her body due to very visible veins, hip-dips, being tall for her age, and other things that don’t really matter. Often people mistake her for being maybe fifteen or sixteen because she is tall and very mature-looking for her age.

Mental Description: Willow is a very stoic person when you first meet her. Usually she won’t go out of her way to make friends and she prefers to sit awkwardly by herself. The fact that she comes across as so mean and intimidating does not help. Although, once you get to know her she opens up more and shows her true side. A lot of the time she makes the mistake of not thinking before she acts or speaks. This has caused her to get in some trouble sometimes but she can’t help but speak her mind when she’s feeling confident. She is a people-pleaser and is afraid of being judged so she often doesn’t think of what she wants or how she feels.

Biography: Willow was born on the 12th November. She lived with her mother Henrietta, father Wesley and older brother Angus for a while before her father left. Wesley is the reason for her magic as he attended Hogwarts when he was younger too, but he still tried to have a normal life afterwards. He came from a long line of Slytherins, and Willow had hoped to be one just like him once she found her letter from Hogwarts. Willow grew up in the Scottish Highlands, surrounded by Lochs, fields, mountains and lots of forests and nature. After her father left, Angus her older brother resented her and blamed her for it which is what caused her to become a people-pleaser. She hates being judged and always tries to blend in or seem intimidating enough to scare people away. But after receiving her letter from Hogwarts, Angus and Henrietta seemed disappointed and treated her as an outcast in her own house. She seems to be sad quite frequently, and she always spent her time outside amongst the nature, reading, writing and drawing instead of being at home. When it rained, she would stay in her room and listen to music, shutting the rest of the world out.

First Instance of Magic: growing up around so much nature, Willow was used to exploring in the rain. After playing outside on a particularly muddy and rainy day, she came home and left muddy prints all at her front door. She knew her mother would be angry, so she ran to get cleaning supplies before her mother could get home. But, when she came back to clean it up, the footprints seemed to be gone.