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Starr Heartland
Crewe, England
First year, Slytherin
22,3 cm chestnut wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: Standing at five foot, Starr considers herself small. She has mid back length blonde hair with a dyed midnight blue ombre effect from the middle of her hair down to the tips. Her eyes are of a light hazel, small and she uses contact lenses instead of glasses to see for distance. Starr is of athletic build, and tries to keep in shape. Her face is heart shaped, with arched eyebrows, small button like nose and averaged sized lips.

Mental Description: Starr has slight crowd anxiety. She doesn't like large crowds, and will start panicking and hyperventilating if she stays too long in one. Her hands will also sweat causing her to get dry hands, causing patches of skin to peel off. Other than the anxiety, Starr is perfectly ok.

Biography: Growing up in a pureblood family near a Muggle city was always strange to Starr. Her mother, a magical veterinarian and her father, an Auror, were strict but loving parents. She has an older brother by five years and even though he playfully teases her, he's protective and loving just like she is towards him. Family life had its ups and downs like any normal family. For instance, when her brother came home from school one summer, their father was arguing with their mother about the Crup litter in their bedroom. Petty, but tiredness had made him one grouchy man.

When Starr was around six, the family moved to a village on the boarder of two counties and settled down into the quietness of the countryside. This was much better than living near a city, and it meant Starr had more places to play, and her parents didnt have to worry about her and her brother getting into trouble. The family has stayed there ever since, and Starr doesn't want to move.

First Instance of Magic: When she was around nine years old, Starr was helping her mum with some chores around the house. As she was cleaning the small greenhouse in the garden, she tried reaching for a plant pot to freshen up the soil for hwe lavender plant. She got frustrated when she couldn't reach said object even when she was on a stool, and growled in frustration. She told the pot that it was stupid for being so high up, but she tried again anyway, straining her limbs to reach. As she made grabby gestures with her fingers, the plant pot began to levitate and gently land in her arms. Starr was shocked, and quickly went to tell her parents.