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Brynn Berrywood
Dartford, England
First year, Hufflepuff
27,4 cm cherry wood and phoenix feather
Physical Description: Brynn has blond hair, which reaches slightly past her shoulders. Her eyes are a deep blue green, and she has a very pale complexion. She often has a smile on her face.

Mental Description: Brynn is known to be very kind. She is outgoing and energetic, and mostly chooses to forgive people - no matter what they have done to her. She can be slightly emotional at times and very dramatic, which can get worse depending on how sleep deprived she is. When she is angry she becomes cold and detatched from everyone else, choosing to ignore everything and everyone until she is ready to move on. She enjoys talking to new people and making friends, and isn't afraid to approach anyone she doesnt know.

Biography: At the age of 4, her mother was killed in a car accident. However, despite this, her life has been a very happy one filled with laughter and love. Her father has cared for her ever since then, and has given her all the love and support that she could ever ask for. When she first got her letter, Her father constantly told her how proud he was of her, even if he didn't fully understand what in the world a school of magic was.

First Instance of Magic: A couple of days after her mothers death, her father was trying to feed her dinner. She didn't fully understand why her mother wasn't home, and was crying out for her. She didn't want her father to feed her, she only wanted her mother. As she threw a tantrum, she slammed her fist onto the table and her plate suddenly flew up into the air and at her father. He labeled this as a mere coincidence, however, and eventually forgot about it.

Picture is not of me or anyone I know!