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Cody Olsen
Wizard born
London, England
First year, Gryffindor
20,4 cm mayhaw wood and wampus cat hair
Orange dirty hair with minimal freckles and hazel eyes. He also is white and is skinny b it just above average when it comes to height h is clothes are pretty new and he is very good at dressing in muggle fashion his favorite color is red and he is always prepared for everything.
Energetic is one way to put it he doesn't like to sit down but when he does he can be very smart. He is a fan of magical creatures and beasts and will stick up for his friends. He will fight to animal rights and can befriend the toughest of magical creatures he can't wait for Hogwarts he is so excited he had got all of His stuff the day he got the letter.
His mom is a stay at home mom and his dad is an auror he lives in a decent size house and there are woods right behind him which he explores on a regular basis
H e first shown signs of magic at he had of 5 his mom was making cookies and he couldn't have one so he sat down and stared at them until one shot toward him. His parents were so proud he got to keep the cookie till this day his parents keep telling him about that day