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Evelyn Folse
Broadclyst, England
Second year, Hufflepuff
32,1 cm chestnut wood and snallygaster heartstring
Link to Encyclopedia: viewtopic.php?f=169&t=14464

Physical Description: She has vivid red hair. Her eyes are large and startling green. She has a small birthmark on her cheek that looks like a diamond. She has a sprinkling of freckles across the bridge of her nose. Her face is slightly heart-shaped.

Mental Description: Is usually happy and upbeat. Very smart. She is curious and it often gets her into trouble. Occasionally withdrawn and quiet. She has a temper, though she usually does not show when she is angry.

Biography: Had muggle parents so wasn't exposed to magic until her Hogwarts letter came. Her dad is a lawyer and her mum is a pharmacist. Her older brother just turned 18 and works at a fast-food restaurant. Her older sister is 16 and is currently in high school trying to apply to college early. She always begged her mom for a cat but couldn't get one because money has always been tight. Her best friend is Beverly and is not a witch, but promises to write at least once a week.

First Instance of Magic: It was at a birthday party when Evelyn was 6 years old. She got mad at a neighbor boy who skipped her in the line for the pinata. She turned his hair bubble gum pink. The boy screamed and blamed her, her parents came to get her early.