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Natalie Mock
London, England
First year, Slytherin
26,0 cm mayhaw wood and unicorn hair
Physical Description:Small, about 4 foot 8 inches in height, dyed light blue hair, blue eyes, round glasses, can be seen wearing band shirts, (Mostly Green Day, Linkin Park, and Imagine Dragons)
Ripped jeans, black hoodies, a heart shaped necklace, red streak in his hair, and a choker. Wears eyeliner alot, and a flower crow when possible.

Mental Description: Natalie is shy and kind, when he gets bullied he just shrugs it off. (He is technically a She), She likes and goes best by Nathan. But gets called Natalie anyways. He is transgender and bisexual. He is emo.

Biography: Natalie has a twin sister named Natalia, her loving but middle-class family are the Mock family, very well known, Natalie is always raising people up, he and his twin get along very well, his mom and dad are always there for him, Natalie was always bullied for his appearance, and sexuality, Natalie (Nathan) was always one to stay away from the crowd, defying him the chance to make friends, unfortunately this led to him becoming an emo.

First Instance of Magic: Natalie (Nathan) and Natalia were painting when a can fell, Natalie reached his hand out and the can stopped mid-air and hovered just above his twins head.