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Beatrix Griffith
London, England
First year, Gryffindor
31,2 cm cherry wood and phoenix feather
Physical Description: Beatrix is tall and lean, with a pale face and a strong jawline. Her face is dominated by a long, straight nose. Her narrow eyes are a very dark shade of brown, almost black. She has black wavy hair which she usually wears in a half-bun and sideswept bangs. One noticeable thing about her appearance is her rigid, straight-backed posture.

Mental Description:
Relationships: She has difficulties forming close bonds with other people and has thus had few real friends. Nevertheless, while she does her best to come across as confident, aloof and self-sufficient, impressing others is secretly very important to her.
Once someone has gained her trust, Beatrix is extremely loyal to them.
Interests: Beatrix has had access to her family's extensive library from an early age, and spends countless hours reading books on all sorts of magic. What interests her most is the subject of Potions, although, as she has received very little magical training, her attempts at brewing have so far yielded no success. She is also fascinated by the Dark Arts, but knows very little about them, as her parents never thought it suitable for her to study that subject at such a young age.

Biography: Beatrix grew up as an only child, living in a mansion in the north of England with her parents Theodore Griffith and Ophelia Fawley, both of which are pure-blood and very proud of their heritage. A lot of their prejudice against Muggles and Muggle-borns has been passed on to her; living rather isolated, Beatrix has rarely been exposed to alternative worldviews.
Both parents, her mother in particular, have always been distant, which left their daughter craving their recognition and affirmation. Beatrix puts a lot of pressure on herself to live up to her parents' expectations: the reason why the only Hogwarts house she can imagine for herself is Slytherin, into which both Theodore and Ophelia Griffith were Sorted.

First Instance of Magic: Beatrix's magic made its appearance unusally late, not emerging until the age of nine. After years had passed without a sign of magical ability, this gradually became a source of great tension in the family, as her pure-blood parents couldn't bear the thought of their daughter being a Squib. Beatrix constantly had to put up with questions about anything that might have been accidental magic and demands to try and demonstrate magical ability. Unable to comply with these requests, she became increasingly frustrated. Shortly after her ninth birthday, when more of the same questions led to a shouting match with her mother in the kitchen, during which the irate Beatrix accidentally set the tablecloth between them on fire. After hastily extinguishing the flames with an Aguamenti, her mother was extremely relieved as her child had finally proven that she was a witch, as was her father when he was told about the incident.