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Olivia Bardon
Edinburgh, Scotland
First year, Hufflepuff
32,2 cm alder wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: Olivia has dark brown curly-ish hair that goes down to her waist. She has large, "deer in a headlight" like blue eyes. She's somewhat tall for an 11 year old, standing at 5' exactly. She's somewhat pale and doesn't tan too easily.

Mental Description: Olivia is a shy girl who doesn't spend much of her time being social, but is trying to fix that. She has a bit of a stutter that she picked up from her father who is also somewhat of a non social person. Olivia worries a lot about what others think of her, or of everything else basically. Despite this, she wants to get more friends and break out of her shell, so by golly, she's going to. She loves old music and collecting obscure items, like keychains.

Biography: Olivia was born the eldest child of Margaret and Sebastian Bardon, being soon succeeded by her younger brother, Alistair, who was born two years after her. She was born in Scotland and lived there for about a year before her parents moved from Sebastian's parents' house to Margaret's mother's house. So they moved to England to live with Olivia's grandmother, Hazel, who resented Sebastian for marrying her daughter while being such a 'crybaby', as she called him. That was when her brother was born, and Olivia lived a happy life ((while being wary of her grandmother)), up until the day she got her Hogwarts letter. Olivia and her brother were home schooled.

First Instance of Magic: Olivia's parents had both gone to Hogwarts, that was where they met, and wanted both their children to go as well. But by the time Olivia was 9 years old, they had no hopes of her showing magical talent. That was, until the day Olivia accidentally set her cake on fire on her 9th birthday. Thankfully, no one but her magical family was there.