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Quinton Lee
Manchester, England
First year, Gryffindor
33,9 cm chestnut wood and unicorn hair
Quinton (prefers to go simply by Quinn) has a rather small build for an eleven year old boy. Falling more so on the petite & thin side, standing at 4'6 aka 139cm. His voice is slightly higher than one would normally have for a boy, and is quite a soothing and gentle sound. Even for how loud he can be. He is asian, which has an influence on some of his facial features. His skin has a light tan, since he often enjoys going outside. Quinn's hair is a very dark brown in color, and slightly wavy. It's cut short but he does have bangs that fall down in front of his face, stopping right before his eyes. He has slightly downturned doe eyes with a mono-lid. Lastly, he has more of a button nose and large round glasses that sit on his face.

Quinn is known to be very bubbly, and quite hyper. He was diagnosed with ADHD when younger though, which just adds to the hyperactivity. Though often he can get a bit too loud, and tends to be oblivious sometimes. He can be a bit impulsive, which puts him into some bad situations sometimes if he isn't careful. Overall, he's very caring towards those close and not close to him. Quinton has a big heart, and some may take advantage of it if he doesn't shield himself properly.

He was lucky to have grown up with a mostly tight-knit family dynamic. Quinn's family consisted of his mother, father, and an older sister. His mother and her side of the family were all wizards, while his father's side were all muggles. As much as Quinton's mother loved him, she wasn't home very often. She was a business woman, so she was either gone for long periods of time or just out late. But always found time to eventually spend with Quinn and his sister. His father was the one who took care of Quinn's sister and himself the most. Therefor he's much closer with his father. Quinton's sister was a big influence on his life, and he'd consider her his role model. She kept him entertained and would tell him stories of wizards & magic. For fun, Quinn and his sister would bake little treats together for themselves. So much so that he considers baking a hobby, even if he still has a long way to go.

Due to his wizard mother being away most of the time, Quinton didn't have a lot of magical experience in his life. Also, his parents had simply decided to keep him from that realm of stuff until he was older. However, his first time with magic was when he was around seven. He was running around with his sister outside, having fun as kids do. Not paying attention, he had tripped over a large tree root. While Quinn had braced himself for impact he was quite confused when it never came. In fact he couldn't feel the ground at all, instead he was floating just a few centimeters above it. Before he could really comprehend what he just did, he dropped and hit the ground. Quinton never ended up telling anybody, even with a witch mother & sister he was afraid to say anything.