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Cooper Blackwell
London, England
First year, Ravenclaw
30,6 cm elm wood and unicorn hair
I have blonde hair with brown eyes. Big pink lips, a slim nose. The most prominent feature though is long, curly, messy hair.

I am very nice and kind, always looking out for others. I also am very determined, if I want something done, I will go out and do it. Lastly, I would say I'm very smart, able to understand and remember things very easily. My father also taught me how to talk to people, so I can be very persuasive.

My dad is a wizard, and my mom is a muggle. From what they told me, my mom found out my dad was a wizard right away, and that's part of why they fell in love. They were both so happy I was a wizard. My dad had taught me what the wizarding world was, I learned things like quidditch, hogwarts, and the ministry of magic.

When I was 7, my father and I were at a quidditch match, the Hollyhead Harpies were my favorite team and my dad and I went to every game. While walking up to our seats, the person next to me started to float, then the person next to them, then my dad himself! All 3 of them knew it was me, my father was so proud, and the 2 others even congratulated me. It was the happiest day of my life.