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Shiro Anderson
Holywell, England
First year, Hufflepuff
31,4 cm blackthorn wood and dragon heartstring
Shiro Anderson was born on October 31st 2008. Shiro has black hair, green eyes and is 5'1. He is athletic but skinny. He can be very stubborn and rude. He can be shy at first but once you get to know him he opens up. Shiro is a pureblood. His parents are Ryan Anderson and Olivia Anderson. His dad works for the ministry and his mom stays home. He is an only child, so he just has his parents. Shiro lives in a small apartment. Shiro’s parents found out he had magic when he was about 4 years old. He was mad at his parents for yelling at him because he colored on the walls. He ended up lifting a few small toys and then they fell to the ground. They were only above the ground for a few seconds. Shiro did not notice what he was doing. His parents were congratulating him, but he was very confused on why they were cheering. His parents didn't tell him they were wizards because they were scared that he would tell their muggle neighbors. They wanted to blend in with muggles, so they lived near them. When he was 7 ½ they finally told him. He was surprised they kept that secret from him for that long. He understood why they kept it and forgave them.