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Naya Suresh
London, England
First year, Slytherin
28,2 cm applewood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: Naya Suresh is a short and thin girl with brown tawny skin, dark downturned eyes, and long black hair. She is south Indian and her parents

Mental Description: Naya is shy and quiet. She is very kindhearted and gracious. She is highly observant and analytical. She is very studious and loves potions as it reminds her of chemistry which she was taught in muggle schooling. She is wary of others but never hesitates to give them her respect and kindness.

Biography: Naya Suresh is a muggle-born with two loving parents who are Erik Suresh and Alay Suresh. Her older brother Aaron is two years older than her and sorted in Ravenclaw. She is very close with her parents and brother. Her brother would teach her defensive spells so she protects herself. Her dad was the one who sparked her love for potions. her mother always encourages to be kind and respectful to others. Naya always had a hard time making friends, she was insanely quiet and shy. Incredibly anxious, she always feared others will find her incompetent and unworthy to be their friend. She kept to herself, finding solace to her own devices, studying and inventing new ideas,

First Instance of Magic: Naya's first incident of accidental magic was in class, wherein in chemistry class, she was supposed to what a certain acid. However, the kettle broke and she wasn't able to heat the liquid. She was in the middle of the lab exam so she was stressed. All of a sudden, magic flared from her fingertips and she heated the liquids due to her stress.