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Alcum Winchester
Edinburgh, Scotland
First year, Hufflepuff
23,9 cm alder wood and dragon heartstring
There was Quite a Ruckus at the Winchester's , Falcone Winchester along with their miscievious little Alaskan Malamute, Gardivier were waiting expectantly for Lamora Winchester and the newest members of their family...

11 years later

Alcum Winchester along with his twin sister Aurora were blowing out the candles on their 11th birthday cake. Al had turned into quite the handsome young man with dark crimson eyes that was apparent in the Winchesters. He had snow white hair that came down straight. He had a buff frame and was quite a fan of Quidditch :love2:

Al and his sister had been waiting impatiently for this day knowing that they were to get the letter from Hogwarts : School Of Witchraft And Wizardry . It was the only thing they had been talking about for weeks.

Al is an animal lover and loves his little Gardie. He is very fond of books and music and is often found spacing out. Al is clumsy in nature but really mature for his age
He has a natural affinity towards spells and charms

The Winchesters' are not too keen on the politics of the magical world and opted to live in disguise among the Muggles. Over the years Al went to a normal Muggle school and made a lot of Friends. Little did Al know about the adventures in store for him :wink: