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Logan Gonyea
Galway, Ireland
First year, Gryffindor
25,8 cm chestnut wood and unicorn hair
Physical Description: Logan Gonyea has ginger hair and is 5'2. He is almost taller than his mother, and he is a skinny kind of kid but still a good weight. He wears glasses that are black in color because his parent's poor eyesight that passed down to him.

Mental Description: His mental state is pretty good, he is sad about his sister who died when he was 6 years old by an exploding potion his mother had made while trying to create a new brew that cured the deadliest of injuries.

Biography: Logan, lives in a pureblood family and they have a house-elf named "Gazer", Logan loves his house-elf and always plays games with him. He also has a father named, Alfius and a mother named Brianna both went to Hogwarts right before Harry Potter was there. He is an only child, and quite lonely sometimes. He also has some half-blood friends name the Woods who have children his age. His parents do not like him being near these half-bloods though as they only like pure-blooded families for some reason.

First Instance of Magic: The first time Logan used magic accidentally was when he was being grounded and he made the door accidentally slam by itself as well as lock itself. His parents were overjoyed by him using this magic and taught him more about the Wizarding World because of it, but restricted him about talking to others about it unless they were in his family.