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Lillie Taggart
Larkhall, Scotland
First year, Hufflepuff
29,3 cm beech wood and unicorn hair
Profile is a work in progress!!!

Before Hogwarts
Lillie was born to a lower class family. Her mom was born a muggle and her father was born to a family of pureblood wizards. They met when her father traveled to Scotland on a family vacation and they stayed friends. Her mother only found out that he was a wizard after they started to date. It was hard for her at first but she accepted it. They married in 2007. Lillie was born on April 10th 2009 and she grew up living in the muggle world. She didn't have many friends which was a relief to her parents due to her possibly having magic. Her first use of magic was when she was four. Her mother was watching her while her father was at work. She saw Lillie drawing on the wall with ink and put her into time out and she started to throw a tantrum. In her fit of anger, her face turned bright red and actual steam came from her ears. Her mother was horrified at the scene and called her fathers work place. Once her father heard about this, he rushed home and calmed Lillie down. He was proud of her but disappointed about how her magic appeared. He talked to her about magic and helped her understand that she needed to start controlling her emotions. As she grew up, her father would tell her about the wonders of the wizarding world and taught her about how not all muggles are friendly towards wizards.

Her hair was dark brown almost black like her mother and her eyes were a beautiful blue-green eyes like her fathers. She's always been slightly on the bigger side but always wandering out and about. She's always slightly shorter then the average child.

She always loved playing with the kids near her. Her favorite thing to do during the summer is go to quidditch matches with her father when they're able to go.

Her mother had another child a year before Lillie got her letter. Lillie was kind of jealous but once she saw her new sibling, she came to love her sibling and helped her mom take care of them.

Once her letter arrived her father was so excited for her. Her mother on the other hand.... She was nervous having her first born going so far away for so long. After a lot of convincing from Lillie's father, her mother reluctantly agreed to let her go to Hogwarts. Her father took her to all the shops and had a nice time before she had to board the train going to Hogwarts. She couldn't afford to get a pet at the time that she when school shopping but her father promised on the way home that he would send her one as soon as he could.

Personality and Preferences
Her personality:
  • Tends to mess up on her spells half the time
  • Struggles with studying for tests
  • Obsessed with birds
  • It's hard to get her frustrated
  • She's funny
  • She's sometimes is hotheaded
  • She's usually kind
  • Quiet when she has a lot going on in her mind
  • She's pretty good in her classes until it comes to tests
  • She's a family person and considers her friends as family
  • She's vegan
  • She's very accepting of pretty much everyone's preferences

  • Loves animals
  • Likes reading muggle fantasy books
  • Likes drawing
  • Enjoys her quiet time when she has it
  • Likes being around others

  • Dislikes full moons
  • Dislikes long lectures
  • Dislikes being interrupted when she's really into her book
  • Strongly dislikes people who put down muggles and muggle born without being around them
  • Strongly dislikes insects
  • Tests
  • Being judged for who she is
  • Insects
  • Werewolves

Life at Hogwarts
Lillie, sitting on the boat, looked at the castle amazed. She'd never seen anything so grand before. She smiled and looked at the other students in the boat with her. Almost everyone had the same star-struck look. Some looked bored and others looked a tad scared. Once the boats docked, she climbed out with the others and began her first walk to Hogwarts. She felt her nerves start to hit her as they neared the door. She was nervous about what house she would be sorted into. Once inside, they lined up on the stairs and listened to the rules before being led inside.

Once in the dining hall, they were called up one by one. She waited, a little impatiently in fact, for her name to be called. Once it was called, she quickly went up and sat down quietly. She felt the hat going onto her head and closed her eyes. She heard the hat talk in a sing song sort of way.

"My my a new face.
Let's see where to put you.
You're heart is pure, no doubt on that fact.
Many colors could suit you.
Only one will make you whole.
Green would definitely suit you.
No no that's not right.
You have the qualities of a Slytherin,
But I know you will succeed best in...

The sorting hat shouted it out loud and she heard the Hufflepuff table roar to life. Cheering and clapping for her as she got up and removed the hat. She headed over and many new faces greeted her with hellos and high fives. She smiled and sat down wondering how well her new house would fit her. She thought about how she would write her letter to her parents telling them the house she was assigned.

She watched the rest of the students get sorted and listened to the head master speak. After his speech, food appeared in front of them magically and Lillie looked for anything that she could eat. She settled for some juice and veggie wraps. Once the dinner cleared, dessert appeared and in front of her was banana pudding. Her mouth watered at the sight and she ate a good portion of it.

Once everyone was fed and happy, the prefect led them to their dorms. She crawled into the bed that had her trunk at the end, not bothering to change. She smiled softly and thought about how well the day had gone before she fell asleep.